Mires Beck Nursery

East Riding Theatre

The Daisy Appeal

Laskar Nepal
Who we help
Here are some of the charities previously supported by the Horncastle Family Foundation:
- The Prince’s Trust – helping young people get a start in life.
- The Daisy Appeal – creation of a building at Castle Hill Hospital in Hull, East Yorkshire with equipment to research cancer and heart diseases.
- The Hessle Road Carnival and Pram Race Trust – to regenerate a poor community and raise its esteem.
- Cat Zero – A programme working with the Cat Zero team to change young people’s lives for the better and targeted at age group 16 to 24 to encourage enterprise and ambition.
- Z.A.N.E (Zimbabwe a National Emergency) – to help sustain elderly impoverished people reduced to penury by Robert Magabe.
- Farm Africa – helping Kenyan Village people prosper in Kitui and Mwingi through providing new Goat stock and introducing the Toggenburg Buck. Assisting Dryland farming also in Kitui and Mwingi in Kenya by supplying 10,000 tree seedlings.
- Laskar Nepal – This scheme was a micro finance arrangement to enfranchise circles of women to improve their living standards. The initial programme was to provide each woman with a goat. The first kid from each goat in the circle is then given to the next group of ladies.
Just as the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world in March 2020, Trustee Andrew Horncastle became the High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire. However, he did not let this stop him from making a difference in Hull and the East Riding during his year of service. Funds from the Trust were donated to the following charities:
- The Moorlands Charity in Goole
- Hull Women’s Aid
- HEY Smile Foundation #highfiver campaign
- St John The Baptist Church, Newington & St Andrews
- The Hinge Bridlington
- Rooted In Hull
- Driffield Men In Sheds
- Godfrey Robinson House, North Ferriby (a Leonard Cheshire Care Home)
At Christmas 2020, Horncastle Group & the Trust donated 480 Food Parcels and 120 Winter Warmer Packs to Hull 4 Heroes and various local food banks to spread a little festive cheer at a difficult time.
Here are the charities currently being supported by the Horncastle Family Foundation:
- Miles Beck Nursery, South Cave – providing work experience and social therapeutic horticulture for adults who live with the challenges of learning difficulties, autism and physical disabilities.
- East Riding Theatre Summer School, Beverley – the Trust has supported ERT’s Summer School programmes for a number of years enabling scholarships to children who would otherwise be unable to afford to attend their summer schools. Each Summer School week ends with a performance by the students who have taken part.